How to Legalize Birth Certificate in Vietnam?

How to Legalize Birth Certificate in Vietnam?

Legalize birth certificate is the authentication of signature and stamp on the birth certificate issued by the foreign country or organization in order for that document to be recognized and used in Vietnam.

In principle, the Vietnam State authorities only accept considering birth certificate that has been legalized, unless the law of Vietnam and international treaties in which Vietnam has signed or participated has other provisions.

In the trend of integration and development, Vietnam has expanded exchanges with all countries in the world. Therefore, the demand for legalize birth certificate is inevitable. ANT Lawyers is honored to provide the service to legalize birth certificate, evaluating the legitimacy of the birth certificate and on behalf of institutions and individuals to perform the procedure at the state agencies with the most reasonable cost.

The process to legalize birth certificate includes:

Step 1: Receipt of birth certificate record from client and conduct the document translation;

Step 2: Get the judicial stamp for the translation of birth certificate

Step 3: Get legalized stamp for the birth certificate

Step 4: Get the stamps of embassies, consulates for birth certificate

Step 5: Return the legalized birth certificate record to customer

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